Thursday, 10 October 2013

Tuesday, 17 September 2013

Friday, 13 September 2013

Thursday, 29 August 2013

Wednesday, 19 June 2013

Recording right now with Daniel Silvester Taylor-Lind at his studio and Steve Lowe.We now have recorded ten songs which leaves four more and then the album is complete.It's been three months of concentrated work and a labour of love.We are satisfied with the record and can't wait to release it

Recording right now with Daniel Silvester Taylor-Lind  at his studio and Steve Lowe.We now have recorded ten songs which leaves four more and then the album is complete.It's been three months of concentrated work and a labour of love.We are satisfied with the record and can't wait to release it 

Tuesday, 18 June 2013

Sunday, 2 June 2013


Athens Calling...Thank you so much. We had an amazing show last night @ Gagarin 205 LIve Music Space supporting IAMX. We were overwhelmed by the response. Much love to IAMX and his Management, George Fakinos , Francoise Simon for making sure that the itinerary went smoothly, Peter Glassee who did an amazing sound-engineering job for us and Daniel Silvester Taylor-Lindt for joining us on stage for the first time and creating fireworks, but most of all a big thank you to all our Greek supporters... Great job as usual  David DeSantos and Yin Neurotic for making this all possible . We are back to work on our album and we're looking forward to releasing the record later this year.

An Actor Named Brando

Thursday, 9 May 2013

Chanson d’Après-midi -Charles Baudelaire

Chanson d’Après-midi (Afternoon Song)-Charles Baudelaire
Quoique tes sourcils méchants
Te donnent un air étrange
Qui n’est pas celui d’un ange,
Sorcière aux yeux alléchants,
Je t’adore, ô ma frivole,
Ma terrible passion! 
Avec la dévotion
Du prêtre pour son idole.
Le désert et la forêt
Embaument tes tresses rudes,
Ta tête a les attitudes
De l’énigme et du secret.
Sur ta chair le parfum rôde
Comme autour d’un encensoir; 
Tu charmes comme le soir
Nymphe ténébreuse et chaude.
Ah! les philtres les plus forts
Ne valent pas ta paresse,
Et tu connais la caresse
Ou fait revivre les morts!
Tes hanches sont amoureuses
De ton dos et de tes seins,
Et tu ravis les coussins
Par tes poses langoureuses.
Quelquefois, pour apaiser
Ta rage mystérieuse,
Tu prodigues, sérieuse,
La morsure et le baiser;
Tu me déchires, ma brune,
Avec un rire moqueur,
Et puis tu mets sur mon coeur
Ton oeil doux comme la lune.
Sous tes souliers de satin,
Sous tes charmants pieds de soie
Moi, je mets ma grande joie,
Mon génie et mon destin,
Mon âme par toi guérie,
Par toi, lumière et couleur! 
Explosion de chaleur
Dans ma noire Sibérie!

Saturday, 20 April 2013

NEUROTIC MASS MOVEMENT "not so secret secret show" .We will take part in art event on the 5th May other band performance this year other than 25th may in Greece ,until our album is finished . follow the signs and you will find us

NEUROTIC MASS MOVEMENT "not so secret secret show" .We will take part in art event on the 5th May other band performance this year other than 25th may in Greece ,until our album is finished . follow the signs and you will find us

Pink Floyd Animals - Behind The Covers with Storm Thorgenson

“Existentialists are nihilists because they recognize that life is ultimately absurd and full of terrible, inescapable truths. They are anti-nihilists because they recognize that life does in fact have a meaning: the meaning each person chooses to give his or her own existence. They recognize that each person is free to create themselves and make something worthwhile of themselves by striving against life’s difficulties.” — Gary Cox, How to Be an Existentialist

Existentialists are nihilists because they recognize that life is ultimately absurd and full of terrible, inescapable truths. They are anti-nihilists because they recognize that life does in fact have a meaning: the meaning each person chooses to give his or her own existence. They recognize that each person is free to create themselves and make something worthwhile of themselves by striving against life’s difficulties.
Gary Cox, How to Be an Existentialist

Wednesday, 20 March 2013


Much new Neurotic Mass Movement music and video's will be up soon

Much new music and video's will be up soon .. Single release of CRYSTAL SHORES is set for a June release and our album EMPIRE OF TIN is more or less finished..This is our first single released last year ,TRAGIC MACHINE .. Thank you all for your unbelievable support and love and care... 

Thursday, 7 March 2013

The Neurosis spreads..NEUROTIC MASS MOVEMENT Djing and apparently having fun

The Neurosis spreads..NEUROTIC  MASS MOVEMENT Djing and apparently having fun at SHATTERJAPAN’s Pussy Riot Punk Prayer Commemoration Concert .. Hoxton Square Bar & Kitchen London - 24 Feb 2013)….

Saturday, 2 March 2013


NEUROTIC MASS MOVEMENT will be supporting IAMX in ATHENS on the 25th of May @ Gagarin 205 LIve Music Space . We are really excited about the show. Check event link below for ticket details. See you all there. Its going to be super amazing and super fabulous x 

Wednesday, 27 February 2013


We are happy to announce that NEUROTIC MASS MOVEMENT will be supporting the mesmerizing and indefatigably amazing IAMX in Athens on the 25th of May. We're super excited about this show as we are massive fans. To all our supporters in Greece and the rest of the world come and join us. Its going to be spectacular.

Κυκλοφορησαν επισης σημερα και τα εισιτηρια για το live των ΙΑΜΧ στις 25 Μαιου στο Gagarin 205! Κοστιζουν 20 ευρω και τα σημεια προπωλησης ειναι το Ticket House (Πανεπιστημιου 42), το Public Συνταγματος και το Second Skin Club (Πλατεια Αγιων Αναργυρων,Ψυρρη,μονο τις ωρες λειτουργιας του club).

Gagarin 205 LIve Music Space

Tuesday, 29 January 2013


All of us in NEUROTIC MASS MOVEMENT are in the right mood to record our track "tomorrow never were" in the studio  ... Its all electric and massive drums AND SOUDNS AMAZING.. OUR "EMPIRE OF TIN' Ep IS NOW FINISHED AND WAITING TO BE RELEASED IN MARCH... WE NOW START WORKING ON THE ALBUM "NEEDS MUST WHEN THE DEVIL DRIVES"

Sunday, 27 January 2013

"CRYSTAL SHORES" recorded and sounding like a contender as a single release but then all the songs on NEUROTIC MASS MOVEMENT "EMPIRE OF TIN" Ep sound like they should be released as singles .. Mr David Collinder on drums,we love what you do.... Chris Mansell ,Thank you... We are back in the studio on Monday to officially start working on the Album 'NEEDS MUST WHEN THE DEVIL DRIVES' now the Ep is finished....

 "CRYSTAL SHORES" recorded and sounding like a contender as a single release but then all the songs on NEUROTIC MASS MOVEMENT "EMPIRE OF TIN" Ep sound like they should be released as singles .. Mr David Collinder on drums,we love what you do.... Chris Mansell ,Thank you... We are back in the studio on Monday to officially start working on the Album 'NEEDS MUST WHEN THE DEVIL DRIVES' now the Ep is finished....

We are off to the studio to finish our Ep 'EMPIRE OF TIN' which will be out in March and to start working on our album 'NEEDS MUST WHEN THE DEVIL DRIVES' which will be out October this year...

We are off to the studio to finish our Ep 'EMPIRE OF TIN' which will be out in March and to start working on our album 'NEEDS MUST WHEN THE DEVIL DRIVES' which will be out October this year...

Thursday, 17 January 2013

NEUROTIC MASS MOVEMENT Review at New Blood Festival 2013: Night 4 Review | Live Reviews | Artrocker

NEUROTIC MASS MOVEMENT Review at New Blood Festival 2013: Night 4 Review | Live Reviews | Artrocker
"One of the joys of a line up like this is the diversity of the acts, and Neurotic Mass Movement are strikingly different from the rest of the bands on tonight’s bill. They hark back to a time when the term Alternative music meant something genuinely out there. There is a hint of goth about them, not just in their all black attire but in the intensity of their performances and the chilly nature of the music. Throbbing bass, mixes with otherworldly guitar and brilliantly raw synths, all topped off by the powerful, yet ethereal voice of, striking, lead singer Yin Neurotic (who has one of the most punk rock stage names ever)".- Daniel Cadwallader

Wednesday, 16 January 2013

We had fun playing the Artrocker New Blood Festival.

We had fun playing the Artrocker New Blood Festival. ..Thanks to everyone that came to see us.. The energy from the audience was so upfront it really pushed us..Much love to David Collinder who played Drums on the night with us... We only had 5 hours rehearsal with him and he did an amazing Job .Thank you Peter Glassee,sound engineering for us..Hugo Santa Cruz we love you. Thanks Ed Pearson and Artrocker Magazine ..



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